nedelja, 11. oktober 2015

JavaFX stuff

Important:I'm not to good in English or programming

So I have some little project to make -> cash register software.
And i want to learn some JavaFX  basics.

Design: I wanted to have top main menu and vertical side menu.
Started SceneBuilder and first I just thrown on it bunch of rectangles for menus and items.
And since I wanted some nice looking controls I decided to build my own.

Custom control menu

Basic idea is to use ToggleButtons and if there are more buttons than control width/height we need to hide them.

For hiding we use MenuButton with popup, that shows the rest of items.

Problems encountered:

  • Getting size of control: when creating custom skin of control i couldn't get the size of it since 'If I understand correctly' parent calculates size after children are laid out.

So i used width/height property change listeners of control. I'm not sure if this is right approach.
control.widthProperty().addListener((c, oval, nval) -> fill(nval.doubleValue(), orientation));

For now I need to polish resizing of menu, because refreshing is binded to width and height property change of control and sometimes i don't get events if resizing window.

  • styling : to make look that MenuButton is selected if item in it is selected I used PseudoClass

And the next thing is to make control for items, probably using Pagination.

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